Discovering Treasures: the Art of Compassion

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How can we manage to keep our spirits up in the presence of people who feel broken and hopeless? Therapists who love their work have managed to develop certain internal attributes that allow them to feel hopeful in situations that feel hopeless.  They’ve managed to acquire a profound level of compassion that we can all learn to develop simply by shifting our focus of attention.

Let me explain in simple terms how our lives can been transformed for the better in the presence of people who feel vulnerable, broken and hopeless.  Most importantly we always have to keep in mind that their vulnerability is a gateway to the depth of their experience and we’re allowed in…what a privilege!  As we enter we’ll witness the chaos created by false beliefs and past painful experiences that now defines their worthiness of love and ability to succeed.  Let’s be mindful that we should always access their universe with one precise thing in mind: to find hope.  With our heart connected to theirs (without judgment) we can begin to discover the treasure hidden behind the pain and false beliefs. That’s when hopelessness transforms into hope.  If we look for it, we will find at the center of every person a treasure that is more beautiful than we could have even imagined. How exciting and rewarding it is to share this discovery!  Yes we can find treasures in the most hopeless, broken and desperate people from all walks of life without exception. We’re then transformed by people’s lives and in turn they thank us, what more could we ask for.

© Copyright. Resonance For Life Body/Mind Harmonization Center, 2016. All rights reserved. Unpublished. Anne-Marie Tremblay-Campanella MA.

4 thoughts on “Discovering Treasures: the Art of Compassion

    Paula Camara said:
    December 19, 2016 at 7:26 pm


    Sent from my iPad



    wayne said:
    January 21, 2017 at 6:20 am

    An interesting overlooked facet of compassion is dominance. True dominance can only be realized through compassion. If dominance is pursued through self serving egoistic goals than it can never truly be enduringly achieved, for dominance of this type can only be maintained through force and if the grip of force is loosened then the dominance falls away. But if dominance is obtained through compassion then it is enduring and is returned to you as love. On the face of it dominance and compassion appear to be incongruous. But to be compassionate you must hold a higher space. To bestow compassion thus is dominant. Dominance through compassion is bound with love. Love cannot be realized by force, only compassion. When you give love you receive love back. Compassion is perpetual love, so to love your neighbor as yourself is to be compassionate to your neighbor as you would be compassionate to self. In order to do so, you become present, nonjudgmental. You become compassionately dominant.


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